Animation of proper flat roof application
Waterproofing that works
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Step by Step Picture Guideline of earth dam liner installation using Waterblok RWPC and geotextile.
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Animation of exterior application of Waterblok RWPC to retaining wall with installation of geotextile drainage system.
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Animation of Waterblok RWPC with geotextile reinforcement application to plywood joins.
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Uses and applications in construction vary and include, roof decks, roof gardens, balconies, canopies, toilets, bathrooms, gutters, parapets, exterior basement walls, flashings (with geotextile), screw holes (with or without geotextile covering), roof valleys, concrete slabs, damp walls, etc. Application rate varies from usage to usage but is normally a total of between 1.75 to 2 liters per square meter applied by way of a primer (Waterblok diluted with water) and 3 full-strength coats of Waterblok.
Waterblok may be applied to asphalt, asbestos cement, concrete, corrugated iron, wood, lead, zinc, roofing felt and similar surfaces whether flat, sloping, or vertical. It can be used on its own when applied to sound surfaces that are free of cracks and joints, or in conjunction with geotextile fabric where there is any possibility of movement in cracks or joints.
Roof & Flat Decks Canopies, Balconies, Ledges, Concrete Gutters & Flashing Toilet, Bathroom, Kitchen & “Wet Areas”
Ideal for use on these areas as it provides a long lasting monolithic waterproof membrane that is impervious to water. Waterblok Multi-Purpose is highly elastic and always remains ductile expanding and contracting with prevailing ambient conditions without ever becoming brittle. Used in conjunction with a geotextile it effectively treats the main problem areas such as the edges, drains, construction and expansion joins, pedestals, etc.
Exterior Basement & Retaining Walls
Basements and structures lower than ground level are the source of numerous waterproofing problems. Waterproofing is normally applied to the inside of the retaining wall using a cementitious, capillary or crystallization process but as cracks set in the leaks start as this type of material cannot expand forever and will give way to the negative water pressure The most effective way to waterproof a retaining wall is to apply the waterproofing on the outside (positive application) using a monolithic liquid applied waterproofing membrane reinforced, where necessary, with geotextile. As this waterproofing is positive applied, it protects from the exterior preventing water from penetrating the wall thus avoiding all the problems of a negative applied application. Waterblok Multi-Purpose is ideal and proven for this type of application.
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Waterblok provides a cost effective, quick and easy to install solution to water impounding, whether for potable water storage dams, irrigation dams, fish ponds, water reservoirs, water tanks, irrigation and other canals, artificial lakes, golf course ponds and hazards or any other type of water retaining and/or conducting structure. What is more, in most cases there are no need for concrete or cement, all that is needed is a 150 g/m2 non-woven needle punched polyester geotextile lining and WATERBLOK. All the work can be done by unskilled labor as no special skills are required in the application. In fact, a single laborer can cover an area of 200 m2 or more per day. What is more, WATERBLOK is non-toxic and no toxicity or tainting is imparted to the water which makes this system ideal for the impounding and storage of potable water and breeding of aquatic life.
This product is ideal for livelihood programs especially as no skilled labor and no special tools or equipment are needed. Local labor under the supervision of a trained applicator can do the installation. Simply stir the contents of the Waterblok container and apply it with soft brooms or brushes on the geotextile following jointing and trenching procedures. The tools are simply cleaned in or soaked overnight in water, ready for the next day’s use.