Waterblok Flexicrete is a latex based admixture which, when mixed with cement, creates waterproof cementitious layers. Application is by brush in two priming/bonding coats and two waterproofing coats. The waterproofing coats can be either by waterproofing coats or waterproof rendering coats. Reinforcement with Flexicrete matting is possible and in most cases advisable. Embedding of the matting occurs directly after the last prime coat application. Flexicrete matting is also ideal to render effective detail work at edges, drains, joins, etc.
Some Uses
Waterblok Flexicrete finds application in many instances where a waterproof cementitious layer is required. These would include concrete roof decks, patio’s, flower boxes, floor screeds, external and internal walls, shower walls and bases, retaining walls, reservoirs (potable water), swimming pools, tunnels (where wedged between concrete layers), etc. In addition, Flexicrete finds application in specialised situations such as reinforcement of friable concrete, chemical holding tanks, food and animal houses, factory floors, garages, dairies, abattoirs and heavy duty floors.
Waterblok Flexicrete finds application in many instances where a waterproof cementitious layer is required. These would include concrete roof decks, patio’s, flower boxes, floor screeds, external and internal walls, shower walls and bases, retaining walls, reservoirs (potable water), swimming pools, tunnels (where wedged between concrete layers), etc. In addition, Flexicrete finds application in specialised situations such as reinforcement of friable concrete, chemical holding tanks, food and animal houses, factory floors, garages, dairies, abattoirs and heavy duty floors.
Other Attributes
Waterblok Flexicrete further enhances cement mixes by:
- improving adhesion to substrates
- reducing dust associated with normal cementitious applications
- improving chemical resistance
- improving toughness and flexibility of cement mixes